Beijing Polytechnic School of Economics held Lichuan County "Leading cadres ability improvement" training course


On the morning of September 23, the School of Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology held the opening ceremony of a training course on "Improving the ability of Leading cadres" in Lichuan County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province。Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Ling Wen, Deputy director of Beijing Institute of Technology Wang Xiaofeng, Secretary of Lichuan County Party Committee Zheng Jinfeng attended the ceremony and delivered speeches。Jiangxi Provincial government counselor, Professor Qin Xiaming,Lichuan County People's Congress Standing Committee director Quan An,Lichuan County Party Committee standing Committee, Organization Department Minister Zeng Jianhua,County government deputy county magistrate Luo Yan,Party Secretary Zhang Yu, President Wang Zhaohua, Deputy Party Secretary and Vice President Peng Mingxue, Assistant President Zhong Huibo and Assistant President Huang Lu of School of Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology,And Lichuan County 53 trainees attended the ceremony。The ceremony was presided over by Zhang Yu。

Wang Xiaofeng warmly welcomed the leaders and students from Lichuan County, and thanked Lichuan County Party Committee for their trust and support。He introduced the school's history and the discipline characteristics of the school of Economics, hoping that the students can learn something and achieve success。

Academician Ling Wen said that this training course has built a good platform for in-depth exchanges and cooperation between Beijing Institute of Technology and Lichuan County, and hopes that the two sides will take this opportunity to further carry out high-quality cooperation in personnel training, scientific research and other aspects, and promote further comprehensive deepening of the reform deployment。

Zheng expressed his thanks to the careful arrangement of the Beijing Institute of Technology, and said that this training course, relying on the high-quality teaching resources of the Beijing Institute of Technology, will help improve the ability of party members and cadres to perform their duties, and better promote the work of Lichuan County to achieve new results and achieve new breakthroughs。

The first class was taught by Qin Xiaming。Centering on the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, he took building a high-level socialist market economic system as the starting point, guiding students to accurately grasp the historical orientation of this plenary session and deeply understand the great significance of the plenary session。The students have said that the course content is rich, focused and close to reality, which not only deepened the understanding and grasp of the spirit of the plenary session, but also stimulated the sense of responsibility and mission to participate in reform and serve the people。

The course lasts for 7 days,Theoretical study closely combined with the current new situation of economic development,Eleven expert lectures were held on topics such as innovation capacity cultivation, rural revitalization, financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, government public opinion management, county economic development, grassroots governance and safety construction,And two field visits were conducted at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and China North Industries Corporation。